I’m safe and sound in Windhoek and have been here now for almost 24 hours. Flying into Namibia looked exactly as I pictured and as the one on the right. Windhoek is a very modern (western) city. Many new cars, KFC, Nando’s (UK) and the Body Shop. It’s good to know that I can still get my preferred lotion and preserver my boyish good looks from Namibia’s scorching sun! No McDonald’s yet but I’m still searching.
The people I’ve met are very nice and always willing to help out. I’ve already set off the alarm to my room twice. Only me…. Other than I’ve just been going through some in country training and will do until Friday. Then I head directly north, a car 7 hour car ride, to my placement. I’m excited to get there, see how things are and begin to work.
Just got a Namibian number if anyone wants to call or text. It’s +264 855615691